


Ariel Liu】: 

無水斷(Dry fasting)我是參考Gavin McGowen。無水斷效果:1天無水斷=3天有水斷=6天果汁斷。我喜歡效果快一點,而且對我而言,無水斷比有水斷容易(完全不會引起食慾) 且省好多時間,不用想吃喝的事,無水斷12~24小時就可以達到ketosis,比起有水斷72小時甚至1星期快很多。

我9/1 開始無水斷,24 小時前的準備很重要,想試的人需要一天準備, 然後做16~24小時的無水斷。
2.盡可能少食, 可吃蛋或魚,素食者可喝無糖豆漿或杏仁奶。
3.鹼化身體到pH= 8(水+小蘇打1匙+檸檬1顆) 每小時8oz(約一杯水240cc),喝3次。

我所有的飲食記錄和每天的計畫和肌肉訓練都在app:"YouFood",有興趣的人可以參考,無水斷後12~36小時就會有ketosis,血液中生酮最佳數字是1.5~3,其實斷食時會到達5也都正常,尿液要以(++++)為目標。 達到生酮目標只代表剛拿到入門票,身體要轉型成燒脂,保持(++++)才是目的,會把身體的壞東西都燒光光。



請問無水斷74小時後 你會如何復時?是先水斷一段間 然後再吃嗎? 有復胖嗎?

【Ariel Liu】: 

先復水半天到一天,然後喝骨頭湯, 之後就是低醣飲食(30g), 只要保持尿生酮180(++++),體重就會一直下降,而且掉很快, 尤其身體變成燒脂機器後, 就不會有想吃醣的"癮"。達成體重目標後, 就可開始加入水果, 澱粉蔬菜和偶爾的穀類, (100g) /天之內, 都可保持體重。這已變成生活的習慣,別把它當成一時的減肥方式。不管任何減重方式, 如果又回到高澱粉飲食, 那註定會失敗。



Ariel Liu】: 
的理論: DAILY DRY FASTING in conjunction with anti-aging herbs and diet— the SCIENCE behind it.

For daily dry fasting which is your wisest protocol for maintaining a precision tuned body built for the long haul a 1-6 hour eating window is recommended with your highest level of activity including workout around this time as well. 
In other words: 
23:1, 22:2, 21:3, 20:4, 19:5 or 18:6
1st number dry, 2nd number feeding window. 
Dry Fasting

If you never tried to detox your body, dry fasting will be unsafe. Your liver and kidneys need to be clean and up for the task. You have several preliminary options to test body reactions:

Several short 12 hour dry fast – You eat for breakfast, then you don’t consume food or water until dinner. Muslims undertake this is type of fasting during Ramadan;
A raw food diet for 14 days – You eat raw fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds. This will hydrate your body, clean the intestines and start the detox process;
A 10 day fruit fast (better called fruit feast). The detoxing effect is stronger then the raw food diet. Fruits are astringent. They will contract the body’s tissues and canals, drawing more toxins out.
A 7 day water fast – The liver has time to reorganize, while the colon starts to clean itself;
The 5/5 dry fast – You dry fast one day, then eat the next day. Then you dry fast for 2 days and re-feed for 2 days. The pairs are continuing with 3/3 days, 4/4, finally 5 days dry fasting. This sums up to one month.




On extended dry fasts the first few days are the roughest as the body is still optimistically holding out for food or water but once it figures out that water and food are not coming and that death is imminent if it doesn't adapt and fast to given circumstance it switches gears into survival mode this highly adapted state IS the magical key of dry fasting. Survival of the fittest. All weakness is eradicated. The option of supporting the diseased and parasitic is no longer viable. All non essentials are eliminated and recycled to sustain the essentials. This IS cellular renewal at the deepest level unattainable by any other means.


While indeed longer duration dry fasts, 3 to 7 days and beyond, are best utilized to bring an ill or obese person back into balanceonce homeostasis is restored daily dry fasting is the most effective disease preventive measure one can employ in maintaining optimal health and delaying aging.

This is the how and why behind dry fasting.

DAILY DRY FASTING in conjunction with anti-aging herbs and diet the SCIENCE behind it.

For daily dry fasting which is your wisest protocol for maintaining a precision tuned body built for the long haul a 1-6 hour eating window is recommended with your highest level of activity including workout around this time as well. 
In other words: 
23:1, 22:2, 21:3, 20:4, 19:5 or 18:6
1st number dry, 2nd number feeding window.


**It's not what you eat so much as WHEN you eat. **

"Feeding schedule has been shown to have a signifiant impact on health and survival. In studies, time-restricted feeding had profound effects on neural, peripheral, and cardiovascular physiology and improved sleep, body weight maintenance, and delayed signs of cardiac aging, under UNCHANGED caloric intake and activity."

There are 3 factors we are focusing on that promotes longevity and absence of disease: 
AMPK activation
MTOR inhibition 
More here: 

All 3 are activated by KETOSIS* which is a rapid result of DRY FASTING. (No water or food.)

"Interestingly, the increase in the concentration of circulating ketone bodies parallels the induction of CHAPERONE-MEDIATED AUTOPHAGY (CMA), which is also activated by prolonged starvation.

In these studies we have demonstrated that ketone bodies, more specifically BOH, stimulate CMA by causing the oxidation of substrates. In addition, during prolonged starvation CMA is activated because of increased lamp2a in the lysosomal membrane and increased lyhsc70 in the lysosomal lumen (9, 31). Our data indicate that ketone bodies can also stimulate CMA by affecting substrate proteins during prolonged starvation in vivo. This finding gives us further insight into the physiological importance of CMA stimulation during times of nutrient deprivation."

Chaperone-mediated autophagy: roles in disease and aging http://www.nature.com/cr/journal/v24/n1/pdf/cr2013153a.pdf

To understand autophagy you need to understand lysosomes. Watch this brief video explaining what they are.

EXCELLENT VIDEO visually explaining the 3 types of AUTOPHAGY:
1. Macroautophagy 
2. Micrautophagy 
3. Chaperone-Mediated Autophagy 

The ketogenic diet (KD) is traditionally introduced with an initial period of fasting and fluid restriction. *Since the 1930s it has been known that fluid restricted fasting accelerates ketosis which in turn has positive effects on preventing epilepsy. 

Question: If dehydration RAISES blood sugar and fasting LOWERS blood sugar what happens when you combine them together as in dry fasting?


"Fasting resulted in reduced plasma glucose concentrations compared with the control study, while dehydration resulted in increased plasma glucose concentrations compared with the control study (P < .001). Glucose production and disposal were decreased during the fasting study and increased during the dehydration study compared with the control study.

***Glucagon concentrations and rates of development of ketosis and metabolic acidosis were increased during both fasting and dehydration compared with control.***

These data suggest that fasting and dehydration have differential effects on glycemia during insulin deficiency, with dehydration favoring the development of hyperglycemia and fasting resulting in reduced glucose concentrations."

Here's the numbers: 
Dry fasting = Ketosis in 12-24 hours 
Water fasting = Ketosis in 48-72 hours. 
Test it and see for yourself. 
Get ketostix:

What is Glucagon? 
Glucagon is a peptide hormone, produced by alpha cells of the pancreas. It works to raise the concentration of glucose in the bloodstream. Its effect is opposite that of insulin, which lowers the glucose.

Why is KETOSIS important and what is it's link to autophagy, mTOR inhibition, AMPK activation? 

Calorie restriction and its effects on aging: 

All about mTOR: http://selfhacked.com/…/11/03/mtor-natural-mtor-inhibitors/…

What Is AMPK?
"AMPK stands for adenosine monophosphate-activated protein kinase. It is found in every living cell of every living mammal (and most other animals) on Earth. If you want to avoid the life span-shortening symptoms of aging, you need to maintain optimal AMPK activity.

AMPK has been referred to as a metabolic master switch. AMPK controls a gamut of metabolic pathways that enable us to extract energy from food, store and distribute that energy safely through the body, and ultimately use that energy for everything from moving and mating to talking and thinking, and even to understanding these very words as you read them.

The core role of AMPK is to sense each cells energy status at every moment, and to trigger responses that maintain the cells energy at precisely the optimum level. Too little available energy starves the cell, while too much energy can exhaust and disrupt cellular components.In either case (too little or too much energy), the cell (and the tissues, organs, and systems in which it is a part) functions inefficiently. That energy inefficiency ultimately leads to the dysfunctions we identify as the diseases (or symptoms) of aging.

Heres how AMPK works: Every cell in your body depends absolutely on a steady supply of energy in the form of chemical bonds. When you eat and absorb nutrients, energy from chemical bonds in food is released and passed down a complex series of enzymes until it is stored again in a molecule called adenosine triphosphate, or ATP. The more ATP that is present in the cell, the higher the cells available energy supply. When ATP is broken down to release energy for cellular work, a major end product is adenosine monophosphate, or AMP.

In preclinical research, enhanced AMPK activity has been associated with a 20-30% increase in life span, but thats just the beginning of the health benefits conferred by this critical cellular enzyme.

Increased AMPK activation has been shown to help reduce fat storage (especially dangerous belly fat), increase insulin sensitivity (to lower blood glucose), reducecholesterol/triglyceride production, and suppress chronic inflammation. All of these factors underlie the lethal diseases of aging."


Autophagy is the best Way to Get Rid of (Cellular) Junk. READ: http://www.anti-agingfirewalls.com/…/autophagy-the-houseke…/

How AUTOPHAGY regulates AGING:
"The accumulation of cellular damage is a feature common to all aging cells and leads to decreased ability of the organism to survive. The overall rate at which damage accumulates is influenced by conserved metabolic factors (longevity pathways and regulatory proteins) that control lifespan through adjusting mechanisms for maintenance and repair. Autophagy, the major catabolic process of eukaryotic cells that degrades and recycles damaged macromolecules and organelles, is implicated in aging and in the incidence of diverse age-related pathologies. Recent evidence has revealed that autophagic activity is required for lifespan extension in various long-lived mutant organisms, and that numerous autophagy-related genes or proteins are directly regulated by longevity pathways. These findings support the emerging view that autophagy is a central regulatory mechanism for aging in diverse eukaryotic species."

AMPK and autophagy also are activated by intense exercise. More here: https://scholar.google.com/scholar

Exercise ENHANCES rather than inhibits mTOR and increases protein synthesis (muscle growth) so you want to time it near feeding window. More here: https://scholar.google.com/scholar

Aging controlled by mTOR

"There is overwhelming evidence that cellular mechanisms and signaling pathways regulating ageing are controlled by mTOR. Here we have highlighted important studies that support a role for both mTOR dependent protein synthesis and autophagy in ageing."


The LESS you keep the MTOR pathway open or active the GREATER your health will be and the LONGER you will live.

Growth or longevity. One or the other.

Here's your percentages of mTOR activation based on feeding and intense exercise window times:

6 hour window is 25%
5 hour window is 20%, 
4 hour window is 16%, 
3 hour window is 12%, 
2 hour window is 8%, 
1 hour window is 4%.

The smaller the window the better.

Don't dilly dally when it's open.

When the feeding window and MTOR pathway is OPEN it's GO TIME. You go into the gym and WRECK SHOP, refuel and rehydrate then close the window and shut down mTOR again.

The type of exercise I recommend is of short duration and peak intensity. No lolly gagging! Hour or less. Legs one day; upper body next. Too much exercise is not good and prematurely wears the body out. Intense in and out. Cardio ideas: Sprints are wonderful. Swimming laps are great as well as stationary bike intervals 10 seconds (peak exertion) LEVEL 10 followed by 50 seconds (rest) LEVEL 1 for 15-20 cycles.


"Brief intense interval exercise activates AMPK and p38 MAPK signaling and increases the expression of PGC-1 in human skeletal muscle

In summary, the present study showed that four 30-s bouts of all out cycling increased phosphorylation of AMPK 1, AMPK 2, and p38 MAPK immediately following exercise and the mRNA expression of PGC-1 after 3 h of recovery. Specific signaling through AMPK and p38 MAPK to PGC-1 may therefore explain in part the metabolic remodeling in- duced by intense interval exercise training, including mitochondrial biogenesis and an increased capacity for glucose and fatty acid oxidation."

LEUCINE ACTIVATES mTOR and thus increases protein synthesis so it can be used to accelerate muscle growth AT BEGINNING of exercise window


What's that? To understand dry fasting (deliberate dehydration and starvation) is to understand hormesis.

"That which doesn't kill you makes you stronger." Nietzsche

"All things are poison and nothing is without poison; only the dose makes a thing not a poison." Paracelsus

Even water and oxygen in excess can be deadly; as can their absence.

What we are doing is deliberately stressing the body to make it more resilient.

"Hormesis is a biological phenomenon whereby a beneficial effect (improved health, stress tolerance, growth or longevity) results from exposure to low doses of an agent that is otherwise toxic or lethal when given at higher doses."

Too much dry fasting can kill just as over eating or over drinking can kill.

We are in a sense flexing our cells "muscles"; making them extremely adaptable and tough.

"No water? No food? No problem. Wake me up when we got a real crisis on our hands."

All about hormesis here: https://scholar.google.com/scholar

***INSULIN BLOCKS SIRT1*** (not good)

SIRT1 stands for sirtuin (silent mating type information regulation 2 homolog) 1 (S. cerevisiae), referring to the fact that its sirtuin homolog (biological equivalent across species) in yeast (S. cerevisiae) is Sir2. SIRT1 is an enzyme that deacetylates proteins that contribute to cellular regulation (reaction to stressors, longevity).

A major cause of aging is thought to result from the cumulative effects of cell loss over time. In yeast, caloric restriction (CR) delays aging by activating the Sir2 deacetylase. Here we show that expression of mammalian Sir2 (SIRT1) is induced in CR rats as well as in human cells that are treated with serum from these animals. Insulin and insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) attenuated this response. SIRT1 deacetylates the DNA repair factor Ku70, causing it to sequester the proapoptotic factor Bax away from mitochondria, thereby inhibiting stress-induced apoptotic cell death. Thus, CR could extend life-span by inducing SIRT1 expression and promoting the long-term survival of irreplaceable cells.

fasting downregulates a IGF-1/PKA pathway in stem cells
Prolong fasting protects hematopoietic cells from chemotoxicity
Prolonged fasting cycles promote HSC self-renewal to reverse immunosuppression
Inhibition of IGF-1 or PKA signaling mimics the effects of prolonged fasting

Immune system defects are at the center of aging and a range of diseases. Here, we show that prolonged fasting reduces circulating IGF-1 levels and PKA activity in various cell populations, leading to signal transduction changes in long-term hematopoietic stem cells (LT-HSCs) and niche cells that promote stress resistance, self-renewal, and lineage-balanced regeneration. Multiple cycles of fasting abated the immunosuppression and mortality caused by chemotherapy and reversed age-dependent myeloid-bias in mice, in agreement with preliminary data on the protection of lymphocytes from chemotoxicity in fasting patients. The proregenerative effects of fasting on stem cells were recapitulated by deficiencies in either IGF-1 or PKA and blunted by exogenous IGF-1. These findings link the reduced levels of IGF-1 caused by fasting to PKA signaling and establish their crucial role in regulating hematopoietic stem cell protection, self-renewal, and regeneration.

In isolated cells, autophagy is generally induced by limitations in ATP availability or a lack of essential nutrients, including glucose and amino acids (i.e. FASTING or KETOGENIC diet).

RAMADAN IS DAILY INTERMITTENT DRY FASTING why not apply this wise practice every day and not just Ramadan?

"Fasting in the month of Ramadan is ordained on the Muslim believers. Ramadan fasting has not only been spiritually beneficial but it has physical, psychological, social and health benefits.

Ramadan is a month of self regulation, process of self purification, truthfulness and self trainings with the hope that this training will last beyond the end of Ramadan. One advantage of fasting is that the poor are given attention and benefits from charity and the faithful practice of the concept of neighbourhood and hospitality.

The physiological effect of fasting includes lowering of blood sugar, lowering of cholesterol and lowering of the systolic blood pressure. In fact, Ramadan fasting would be an ideal recommendation for treatment of mild to moderate, stable, non-insulin diabetes, obesity and essential hypertension. Fasting is powerful therapeutic processes that can help people recover from mild to severe health conditions. Our body has a self healing power, in order to activate this power, the stomach must be kept empty, if Ramadan fasting is done properly it can help to recover from most diseases."



What is P53?
P53, also known as TP53 or tumor protein (EC : is a gene that codes for a protein that regulates the cell cycle and hence functions as a tumor suppression. It is very important for cells in multicellular organisms to suppress cancer.

"Our findings that CR or a 1 day/week fast suppressed carcinogenesiseven when started late in life in mice predestined to develop tumors due to decreased p53 gene dosagesupport efforts to identify suitable interventions influencing energy balance in humans as a tool for cancer prevention."

Ghrelin the anti-aging hunger hormone is released about 12 hours after your last meal. This is why you want lots of Ghrelin: 

But what about lack of water and kidneys? 
"High fluid intake does not appear to slow renal disease progression in humans."

PROTECT KIDNEYS by ALKALINIZING periodically before and after dry fasts with a simple teaspoon of BAKING SODA in water.

"Oral Hydration and Alkalinization is Noninferior to Intravenous Therapy for Prevention of Contrast-Induced Nephropathy in Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease"

HEADACHES are common on the first day for new dry fasters and those not experienced with KETOSIS. It usually takes place around the 18 hour mark and goes away after a few hours. This is the brain switching off glucose and now using ketones for fuel. The headache could also be symptomatic of caffeine withdrawal. Totally normal; push through, it passes.


"Remarkably, the greatest increase in lifespan was observed ...maintained in the complete absence of food, with a 50% increase in median and maximum lifespan relative to control-fed animals."


"Dietary Restriction (DR) increases the rodent lifespan by up to 60% in part by delaying the occurrence of many chronic diseases, and in part by slowing the rate of biological or physiological aging (1).

Among its many protective effects of DR described in mice, the most notable include those on increasing insulin sensitivity and on the attenuation of B amyloid deposition in a model for Alzheimers Disease (54). Severe dietary restriction or STARVATION (dry fasting) may also be applicable to disease treatment. For example, fasting protects mice against high dose chemotherapy in part by reducing serum IGF-I signalling but does not protect cancer cells, since oncogene mutations prevent the activation of the stress resistance pathways in response to the reduction in glucose, IGF-I and other growth factors caused by nutrient deprivation (55)."

"The higher the metabolism speed, the shorter the lifespan, and vice versa."

Over 24 weeks, a low-carbohydrate diet program led to greater weight loss, reduction in serum triglyceride level, and increase in HDL cholesterol level compared with a low-fat diet.


Adiponectin is associated with longevity and heightened insulin sensitivity and has anti cancer properties; it is a hormone excreted primarily from adipose tissue(fat). Fasting is exceptional for releasing Adiponectin and preventing adhd not to mention inhibiting disease and prolonging life. 
Centenarians and high Adiponectin levels 

FGF21 (the starvation hormone) FASTING & LONGEVITY
Fibroblast growth factor-21 (FGF21) is a hormone secreted by the liver during fasting that elicits diverse aspects of the adaptive starvation response. Among its effects, FGF21 induces hepatic fatty acid oxidation and ketogenesis, increases insulin sensitivity, blocks somatic growth and causes bone loss. Here we show that transgenic overexpression of FGF21 markedly extends lifespan in mice without reducing food intake or affecting markers of NAD+ metabolism or AMP kinase and mTOR signaling. Transcriptomic analysis suggests that FGF21 acts primarily by blunting the growth hormone/insulin-like growth factor-1 signaling pathway in liver. These findings raise the possibility that FGF21 can be used to extend lifespan in other species.

FGF21 is specifically induced by HMGCS2 activity. The oxidized form of ketone bodies (acetoacetate) in a cultured medium also induced FGF21, possibly via a SIRT1-dependent mechanism.[3] HMGCS2 activity has also been shown to be increased by deacetylation of lysines 310, 447, and 473 via SIRT3 in the mitochondria.[4]

While FGF21 is expressed in numerous tissues, including liver, brown adipose tissue, white adipose tissue and pancreas, circulating levels of FGF21 are derived specifically from the liver in mice.[5] In liver FGF21 expression is regulated by PPARα and levels rise substantially with both FASTING and consumption of ketogenic diets.

FULVIC ACID and the importance of minerals 
Watch the light bulb demonstration:
Your body is just like a battery; no minerals
no electricity. "All life is Electric".

"The previously unknown capacity of human body to uses water as source of electrons is an astonishing finding that is a conceptual revolution of biblical proportions. The sacred role of glucose as source of energy now is broken into small pieces. Therefore human body build up its biomass arising from glucose, thereby carbohydrates (or meals) are just a source of carbon chains of different lengths, branching; combinations with other elements and so forth. We could say that glucose (C6 H12O6 ) is the perfect building block. Our body is able to synthesize even nucleic acids with it. But our body fulfills its energy needs by means of the unexpected and astonishing capacity of melanin to split and re-form the water molecule. "

For constipation or bowel issues: 
1TBS of Milk of Magnesia should do the trick

At the start or end of your dry fast, or as a brief interval for instance in mornings, to increase mTOR inhibition, AMPK activation and maintain autophagy effects do a 4-6 oz cup of decaf coffee, INTERSTELLAR BLEND (longevity herbs
www.interstellarblend.com), and mct or coconut oil (see below). This addition will provide energy and clarity all day long without engaging mTOR pathway, halting autophagy or deactivating AMPK plus you won't be hungry or craving anything. As far as why no caffeine? Stimulants overly tax adrenals and prematurely age you; save caffeine for special occasions. If you research the anti aging herbs in the blend you will see why this is a wise decision to add to your daily regiment and if you choose to drink it upon rising or as an intermission you are maintaining calorie (carb/protein) restriction (mTOR inhibition/AMPK activation/autophagy) until feeding window. You can also skip this altogether and drink this at feeding window and dry fast straight through the 18-20 hours. Explore both options to find best fit.

Herbs in blend that inhibit mTOR: 
Reishi, Astragalus, He Shou Wu, Rhodiola 
Polygonum (he shou wu)

Herbs in blend that activate AMPK: 

Purchase INTERSTELLAR BLEND here: www.interstellarblend.com 
Chart of longevity herbs here:
List of tonic herbs here:

Mct oil:https://scholar.google.com/scholar

REMEMBER: The less you drink the faster the fast works so if you do the morning drink keep it to 4-6 oz. Don't ingest anything else until feeding/exercise window.

FOR LONGER DRY FASTS 3+ DAYS (preparation) 
As the dry fast progresses urine ph will drop and continue to drop until you break fast. (Ketone bodies are acidic in nature.)
ALWAYS, ALWAYS, ALWAYS alkalinize urine before and again after TO PROTECT KIDNEYS AND AVOID KIDNEY STONES. This is easily accomplished by drinking 1 teaspoon of baking soda in 8oz water. 
*IF you foolishly skip this step don't cry about getting a kidney stone or having kidney pain in the group as you were STRONGLY WARNED TO ALKALINIZE and dissolve all acid formed crystals in urinary tract before hand.


Because it works and fast!

I recommend raising urine ph to an 8 NOT 7 as in study before long dry fasts and once again after.

PH STRIPS TO TEST URINE: http://www.amazon.com/…/…/B00LY1KIWY/ref=zg_bs_3013605011_10

Conclusions: Bicarbonate therapy remains an attractive option for the treatment of radiolucent kidney stones. The presence of hyperuricaemia or hyperuricosuria appears to influence the success rate. Further prospective randomised studies are needed to identify the most tolerable and effective treatment regime as well as the optimal duration of treatment. Dual-energy CT may hold the key to identifying patients most likely to benefit from treatment.


I recommend "charging" cells with trace minerals via Fulvic acid. Use either Shilajit or Fulvic mineral source. Without electricity you have no energy. WATCH light bulb demo:

I always utilize before hand to jump start the process SUPERTONIC HERBS that activate AMPK and inhibit mTOR and promote autophagy like what's in Interstellar Blend.

The body heats up the longer you go because the cells are incinerating junk via autophagy. Thirst may become intense. I recommend ICE BATHS & ICE SHOWERS to cool down and keep going. You will find this blissfully rejuvenating.

5. STUDY THIS POST AND THE LINKS. The more informed you are the less fear you will have and the greater resolve to not quit.

Skin tenting purportedly begins at 15% body water loss. At 7 days I had zero skin tenting still. NOBODY in group is in danger of dehydration in 72 hours. Nobody. Unless maybe you are in Death Valley, CA in 120+ degree heat sitting there sweating.


So have ZERO FEAR of going 3 days your first time. Alkalinize and launch!

What is skin tenting or skin turgor test???


Be not overly concerned by blood pressure irregularities; the body as it acclimates itself to survival conditions corrects itself the longer you go. It may fluctuate up and down the first 3 days but by day 4 and onward it stabilizes.

Blood pressure and resting pulse without fail on all extended dry fasts (beyond 3 days) goes down and this is very positive.

Have no fear or worries; perfectly natural process.


Won't my muscles be broken down to create critical glucose required by certain organs and red blood cells (that don't have mitochondria and can't run on ketones) through the process of gluconeogenesis? Good question. Let me ask you this: "If I designed the body and made it to where under starvation conditions critical muscle was broken down BEFORE fat would you think I was a very intelligent designer???" No I didn't think so; that would be utterly ridiculous and foolish. Glucose CAN and IS created from fat and here's how it works:

So the real source of energy of the eukaryotic cell is water, so the sacred role of glucose as an energy source now breaks into a thousand pieces. We ended up saying that if the energy source was glucose, diabetic patients would fly.

The human body with four billion years of evolution is far beyond our ability to abstraction, but in origin the body is relatively simple: everything comes, everything is soaked, and everything is governed by photosynthesis, both in plants and in us. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/…/P…/pdf/1878-5085-5-S1-A146.pdf

"The main source of energy of the eukaryotic cell is water, not ATP. The profound misconception that food, glucose or ATP are the main source of energy has its basis in the lack of knowledge of the hitherto unknown capacity of melanin to split the water molecule [5]. Until today, the fact that human tissues have the capability to take hydrogen from water
the energy carrier by excellence in the whole Universearising from the splitting of water, as plants do, was totally unknown before our work.It was unthinkable that an expensive chemical reaction, from the energetic point of view, such as water dissociation, that requires 2000˚C in the laboratory to take place, might occur at room temperature in our body. The sole possibility seemed berserk. However, our studies researching the three main causes of blindness allowed us to detect the hitherto unknown fact that melanin is the human chlorophyll. This amazing compound absorbs photonic energy and transforms it into chemical energy."


"That sugar can be converted into fatty acids in humans is a well-known fact. The question whether the reverse direction, i.e., gluconeogenesis from fatty acids, is also feasible has been a topic of intense debate since the end of the 19th century. With the discovery of the glyoxylate shunt that allows this conversion in some bacteria, plants, fungi and nematodes it has been considered infeasible in humans since the corresponding enzymes could not be detected. However, by this finding only a single route for gluconeogenesis from fatty acids has been ruled out. To address the question whether there might exist alternative routes in humans we searched for gluconeogenic routes from fatty acids in a metabolic network comprising all reactions known to take place in humans.

****Thus, we were able to identify several pathways showing that this conversion is indeed feasible.****

Analyzing evidence concerning the detected pathways lends support to their importance during times of starvation, fasting, carbohydrate reduced and ketogenic diets and other situations in which the nutrition is low on carbohydrates. Moreover, the energetic investment required for this pathway can help to explain the particular efficiency of carbohydrate reduced and ketogenic diets such as the Atkins diet."

Sauna, hot tub, sun exposure, steam room, intense exercise causing profuse sweating NOT ADVISED on long dry fasts
over 24 hours. Under 24 hours it can be used to speed up ketosis induction.


Worry is misuse of your imagination; a form of self sabotage. Willfully replace all worry with joyous optimism and courage. Say to worry, "And if that perchance happens I will face it too gracefully and skillfully as I have many obstacles and challenges in my life thus far; I have no fear or worry. I am a fighter until the end. Now skedaddle worry! BE GONE FROM MY MIND. "

"Ketones are the ideal fuel for our bodies unlike glucose
which is damaging, less stable, more excitatory and in fact shortens your life span. Ketones are non-glycating, which is to say, they dont have a caramelizing ageing effect on your body. A healthy ketosis also helps starve cancer cells as they are unable to use ketones for fuel, relying on glucose alone for their growth.

The energy producing factories of our cells the mitochondria work much better on a ketogenic diet as they are able to increase energy levels in a stable, long-burning, efficient, and steady way. Not only that, a ketogenic diet induces epigenetic changes which increases the energetic output of our mitochondria, reduces the production of damaging free radicals, and favours the production of GABA a major inhibitory brain chemical. GABA has an essential relaxing influence and its favored production by ketosis also reduces the toxic effects of excitatory pathways in our brains. Furthermore, recent data suggests that ketosis alleviates pain in addition to having an overall anti-inflammatory effect. [7]

The ketogenic diet acts on multiple levels at once, something that no drug has been able to mimic. This is because mitochondria are specifically designed to use fat for energy. When our mitochondria use fat as an energetic source, its toxic load is decreased, the expression of energy producing genes are increased, its energetic output is increased, and the load of inflammatory energetic-end-products is decreased.

The key of these miraculous healing effects relies on the fact that fat metabolism and its generation of ketone bodies (beta-hydroxybutyrate and acetoacetate) by the liver can only occur within the mitochondrion, leaving chemicals within the cell but outside the mitochondria readily available to stimulate powerful anti-inflammatory antioxidants. The status of our mitochondria is the ultimate key for optimal health and while it is true that some of us might need extra support in the form of nutritional supplementation to heal these much needed energy factories, the diet still remains the ultimate key for a proper balance." More here: http://www.drmyhill.co.uk/…/Ketogenic_diet_-_a_connection_b…

"HGH secretion was assessed in 7 men during a control period and during starvation. Plasma samples were collected hourly for 24 hr in each period. Starvation for 72 hr increased growth hormone secretion in each individual. Overall, fasting resulted in a 2
½ to 3-fold increase of growth hormone secretion. Secretion of hGH was greater in premenopausal women than in men during a control period, but no significant increase of hGH secretion occurred in women after 72 hr of fasting." - See more at:


True ketosis comes from starvation (fasting) or severe carbohydrate restriction. There are no high glucose levels under these conditions. The ketones come from the actual break down of body fat.

False ketosis is the result of coconut oil or mct oil. These provide ketones while being able to eat massive amounts of carbohydrates. The ketones are NOT coming from body fat but the coconut or mct oil. Yes ketostix will say you are in ketosis but you are really in fake ketosis.

You want TRUE not fake ketosis. Avoid coconut or mct oil until you are in TRUE ketosis and maintain less than 30g carbs a day.

IF you are at optimal weight and not trying to lose fat then yes coconut or mct oil and low glycemic load carbohydrates is not a problem.

*For someone on a KETOGENIC diet for epileptic purposes this gives them the advantage of more carbs. For someone trying to lose fat this is a disadvantage because your body will use the coconut oil ketones over body fat ketones for energy.


The quickest way to halt weight loss and put on fat is alcohol. Why? Because alcohol is the body's first choice to burn for fuel. Guess what happens to any food you mix with it? That's right it goes straight to your waistline until the alcohol is burned off.

AVOID alcohol until you reach ideal weight. The fastest way to get over alcohol addiction is a 72 hour dry fast your brain is purged clean with ZERO CRAVINGS.

HERES TONS OF ARTICLES ON IT: https://www.google.com/search


The type of food recommended should be low glycemic load. Chart here: http://www.lowglycemicload.com/glycemic_table.html

You want minimal insulin spikes. Insulin and insulin resistance rapidly ages you. More here: https://scholar.google.com/scholar

Vegan or non vegan isn't as important as balanced and nutrient dense. If you are vegan be vegan if you feel best with plants and meat do that. DO EAT PLANTS regardless.

Meat should only be eaten alone or with vegetables never starch or fruit. Salad, meat fish or chicken is a perfect pairing.

If vegan be sure to choose low glycemic load vegetables, fruits, nuts seeds and grains. http://www.lowglycemicload.com/glycemic_table.html (stay as close to 15 as possible)

VEGAN KETO IDEAS: http://ketomotive.com/vegan-ketogenic-diet/


What about fruit juice fasting??
Waste of time and money; here's why: 
#1 A detox without autophagy IS NOT A DETOX. Autophagy means "to eat self"
that would be the junk weak sick cellular matter.

#2 Autophagy is induced by ketosis which is induced by fasting or extreme protein/carbohydrate restriction.

#3 A fast is NOT drinking a bunch of sugary bottled fruit juice which does NOT induce either ketosis or autophagy.

***Next person that wants to sell you a "detox kit" ask them point blank, "Does this inhibit mTOR, activate AMPK, promote autophagy or induce ketosis?"
If they look at you like a deer in headlights say, "No thanks."***

Fructose which converts in liver to Glucose halts not only Ketosis but mTOR inhibition, AMPK activation AND autophagy (the whole point of fasting!!!) especially if you ingest more than 30g a day thats about one 8oz glass of fruit juice. So instead of "juice feasting" all day long accomplishing nothing but wasting a bunch of money and overdosing on fructose an intelligent strategy would be to eat your fruit whole WITH IT'S FIBER (less blood sugar spikes) at the BEGINNING of your feeding window/pre workout.

Fruit without fiber is straight fructose.

Here's what's wrong with too much fructose:

Fructose Utilization and Associated Metabolic Dysfunction

"Consumption of fructose has been shown to be highly correlated with the development of diabetes, obesity and the metabolic syndrome. Consumption of soft drinks (high in HFCS) is associated with an increased risk for obesity in adolescents and for type 2 diabetes in young and middle-aged women. Excess fruit juice (also rich in fructose) is associated with the development of obesity in children.

Consumption of fructose by laboratory animals results in their developing several features of metabolic syndrome, including obesity, visceral fat accumulation, fatty liver, and elevated insulin and leptin levels. It is likely that the increase in leptin following fructose consumption represents leptin resistance, which could account for the increased food intake observed in fructose-fed animals."

Choose high nitric oxide producing plants like beets and arugula. More on nitric oxide and longevity here: 

Cancer and its relationship with metabolism, calorie restriction, mTOR inhibition, AMPK activation, autophagy and glucose: 


You DO NOT want your blood sugar spiking and releasing insulin. You want the highest insulin sensitivity possible. These Glucose Disposal Agents in conjunction with dry fasting can assist in regulating blood sugar.

1. R-ALA 
R-Alpha Lipoic Acid (R-ALA), an active isomer of Lipoic Acid, is easily synthesized and metabolized by the body. R-ALA is 2 times more effective than regular (RS) Alpha Lipoic Acid and is a key component of mitochondrial dehydrogenase, which may help to slow the natural aging process in animals. Alpha lipoic acid is known as the "universal antioxidant" because of its unique solubility in both water and fat. It has the ability to conserve and prolong the life of vitamins C & E in the body, increasing their effectiveness. Alpha lipoic acid is also an excellent metal detoxifier, particularly for mercury and cadmium, which it binds to and neutralizes for excretion.

Four cucurbitane glycosides, momordicosides Q, R, S, and T, and stereochemistry-established karaviloside XI, were isolated from the vegetable bitter melon (Momordica charantia). These compounds and their aglycones exhibited a number of biologic effects beneficial to diabetes and obesity. In both L6 myotubes and 3T3-L1 adipocytes, they stimulated GLUT4 translocation to the cell membrane
an essential step for inducible glucose entry into cells. This was associated with increased activity of AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK), a key pathway mediating glucose uptake and fatty acid oxidation. Furthermore, momordicoside(s) enhanced fatty acid oxidation and glucose disposal during glucose tolerance tests in both insulin-sensitive and insulin-resistant mice. These findings indicate that cucurbitane triterpenoids, the characteristic constituents of M. charantia, may provide leads as a class of therapeutics for diabetes and obesity.

3. Gymnema sylvestre
Gymnema sylvestre is native to India, and its leaves are a traditional folk medicine for diabetes. Several studies in humans and animals have confirmed it can improve glucose control, possibly by inhibiting glucose uptake in the small intestine and enhancing insulin release. It may even have positive effects on lipid metabolism and has potential for use in treating diabetes and obesity.

4. Berberine 
Phellodendron amurense is otherwise known as "Amur Cork Tree." A native of Asia, the bark has been used in Chinese traditional medicine to treat gastrointestinal problems, ulcers, diabetes and infections. Berberine is the best characterized of the compounds that have been identified. Berberine has antibacterial, anti-tumor and antioxidant activities. It may also have anti-diabetic activity: in one study, it decreased body fat and fasting glucose levels in rats. This work is not conclusive, however, as the berberine was administered by injection, not consumed orally. Unfortunately, we don't have many other in-vivo studies on berberine or Phellodendron.

5. Chromium
Chromium Picolinate or Chromium Polynicotinate or Chromium FTG or chelated Chromium a nutritional form of the essential mineral chromium, as a safe nutritional supplement that may reduce the risk of insulin resistance and possibly type 2 diabetes. One small study suggests that chromium picolinate may reduce the risk of insulin resistance, and therefore possibly may reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes. FDA concludes, however, that the existence of such a relationship between chromium picolinate and either insulin resistance or type 2 diabetes is highly uncertain. Chromium Polynicotinate is a niacin bound form of chromium picolinate which is considered less potentially toxic with better absorbsion qualities while FTG and the chelated form of chromium are from organic sources and considered the safest of all.

6. Vanadyl Sulfate 
Under normal conditions, the body contains 20 to 25 mg. of vanadium, and the average diet supplies about 2 mg. of vanadium per day. Food sources rich in vanadium include pepper, dill, radishes, eggs, vegetable oils, buckwheat and oats. Because of their organic environment, these natural sources are likely to be safer than over the counter preparations.

7. Ceylon Cinnamon 
There has been a lot of talk these days about cinnamon. According to some studies, cinnamon may improve blood glucose and cholesterol levels in people with Type 2 diabetes. The results of a study from 2003 in Pakistan showed lower levels of fasting glucose, triglycerides, LDL cholesterol and total cholesterol after 40 days with levels continuing to drop for 20 days after that.

8. Vinegar 
You can lower blood sugar with apple cider vinegar, which has long been valued for its nutritive properties as a folk remedy. The health benefits and effect of apple cider vinegar on blood glucose levels has been clinically researched.

9. Corosolic Acid 
Corosolic acid, a triterpenoid found in the leaves, helps regulate blood sugar by stimulating glucose uptake. This blood sugar lowering effect is similar to that of insulin - which induces glucose transport from the blood into body cells. In a study of humans with type-2 diabetes, banaba extract showed a 30% reduction in blood glucose levels. It is considered a natural plant insulin, can be taken orally, and has no side effects, according to Japanese research. Corsolic acid also appears to have strong antioxidant properties.

10. Extracts of Fenugreek 
The chemical compounds found in fenugreek have the ability to aid the digestive process. Consequently, when taken with meals it is believed that fenugreek is able to slow down the rate at which sugars are absorbed into the body, whereby regulating blood sugar levels. Additionally, studies indicate that 4-hydroxyisoleucine (an amino acid) found in fenugreek may induce or promote the production of insulin when blood sugar levels are elevated.

11. Cissus 
Cissus quadrangularis is also known as "Veld Grape." It's another medicinal plant native to Africa, India, and other parts of Asia. Cissus has traditionally been used to treat a variety of ailments such as bone fractures, ulcers, wounds, indigestion and asthma. Animal studies have shown Cissus extracts may have gastroprotective effects, contribute to bone health, and have antioxidant/antimicrobial activities. A number of people swear by Cissus as an analgesic and use it to treat weight lifting injuries. Lately, Cissus has also been touted as a fat loss agent, thanks to two studies.The first was discussed by Paul in his review of Cylaris. Of course, this study actually tested the entire Cylaris formula
which makes it difficult to draw conclusions about Cissus itself. A second study, however, did test a proprietary Cissus extract (CQR-300) and concluded it "...brought about significant reductions in weight and blood glucose levels, while decreasing serum lipids thus improving cardiovascular risk factors."

12. Phellodendron extract 
Anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, cholagogue, antibacterial, lowers blood sugar.

13. BMOV (Bis-Malto-Oxovanadium) 
BMOV is an organic form of the mineral vanadium. Although elemental vanadium and inorganic salts of vanadium show significant biological potential, it has a poor therapeutic index due to low gastrointestinal absorbance. BMOV is recognized as safer, more absorbable, and able to deliver a therapeutic effect up to 50% greater than the inorganic forms. Vanadium is one of the rare microelements that can promote a profound boost in endurance and strongly support anabolism.

14. Na-R-ALA
(Na RALA is the sodium salt form of R-Lipoic Acid) Sodium R-Lipoate (Na-r-ALA)
ALA is naturally produced in the body as a mitochondrial enzyme cofactor. It is important to aerobic metabolism. ALA has been shown to increase cellular uptake of glucose to cell membranes by recruiting the glucose transporter GLUT4. ALA improves skeletal muscle glucose transport, resulting in desirable blood glucose disposal and increased muscle glycogen concentrations. Studies also indicate that in muscle, ALA is a potent anti-oxidant which protects cells from oxidative stress-induced insulin resistance. ALA is an invaluable addition that offers a multitude of benefits plus countless extras for any serious athlete.

15. Magnolia officinalis 
Magnolia bark is used as a general anti-stress and anti-anxiety agent - so its claims typically center on general benefits in controlling stress and anxiety. Newer claims are emerging, however, to link magnolia's anti-stress benefits with control of the body's primary stress hormone, cortisol, and the myriad health benefits associated with normal cortisol levels (versus elevated cortisol, which has been associated with obesity, diabetes, osteoporosis, memory problems and suppressed immune function).

16. Banaba 
Lagerstroemia speciosa is Banaba
a tree native to Southeast Asia. The leaves have been used in traditional medicine in the Phillipines as a treatment for diabetes. As it turns out, the leaves are high in corosolic acid, which has been shown to improve glucose control in human and animal studies. It appears to do this by stimulating glucose uptake in muscle cells. Glucose transport is mediated by specific transporter proteins. Corosolic acid acts by increasing the amount of a particular transporter (GLUT-4) on the cell membrane surface. Although more work remains to be done, banaba looks like a useful ingredient for treating hyperglycemia and diabetes.

17. Gynostemma Pentaphyllum (in Interstellar Blend)

"Gynostemma pentaphyllum is a plant distantly related to the cucumber. In traditional Asian medicine, its used to promote longevity. Todays scientists have discovered why Asian doctors prescribed G. pentaphyllum to address age-related health issues: It promotes AMPK activation.

G. pentaphyllum not only activates AMPK, but it also shuttles excess fats into the mitochondria to be utilized for energy and safe disposal. The result is efficient energy production and a sharp reduction in unnecessary fat storage.

Results of G. pentaphyllum-induced AMPK activation include increased fat burning, as well as an increase in cellular glucose uptake. Extracts of G. pentaphyllum have other beneficial properties as well, including the ability to prolong cellular life in the face of stresses induced by oxidation, fat accumulation, and diabetes.

When scientists began exploring the benefits of G. pentaphyllum for AMPK activation, they turned to animal studies. What they found was that leaf extracts of G. pentaphyllum activate AMPK, resulting in reduced body weight gain and fat accumulation. In a preclinical study, obese mice supplemented with G. pentaphyllum showed impressive declines in markers associated with obesity and its related diseases.

In another study, this time using diabetic rats, three weeks of G. pentaphyllum supplementation resulted in improved glucose tolerance by 35% and reduced new glucose production in the liver by 29%, with a reduction in liver glycogen, the storage form of sugar.

These results show the enormous beneficial impact of reducing circulating sugar and fats in response to AMPK activation by G. pentaphyllum.

Human studies have confirmed what many of the researchers had found in the lab: G. pentaphyllum boosts AMPK activity and provides important longevity benefits.

In a compelling human study, type II diabetics who were not using diabetic medications drank a tea made with G. pentaphyllum. The results compared to controls were:
A 5-fold reduction in fasting glucose,
A 10-fold reduction in hemoglobin A1c, a measure of chronic glucose exposure,
A near 3-fold decrease in insulin resistance,
No dangerously low blood sugar episodes, which can often occur with certain oral antidiabetic drugs (especially sulfonylurea class drugs). In another human study, those taking G. pentaphyllum significantly boosted the effects of a sulfonylurea antidiabetic drug, producing an additional fasting glucose reduction of 52.2 mg/dL compared with just 16.2 mg/dL for the drug alone.

None of these findings should be surprising since the prescription drug metformin, which is an AMPK activator, produces many of these same benefits."http://www.lifeextension.com/magazine/2014/ss/ampk/page-01

What would I do with my current understanding if I had cancer?

Well it can survive with glucose, fructose and amino acids.... So what's left?

Fat. What else is associated with that? Fastingwhich leads to ketosis which leads to mTOR inhibition, AMPK activation, autophagy as well as p53, sirt1, foxo and a whole bunch of other anti cancer stuff.

I would basically dry fast and hold deep level ketosis (160) along with KETOGENIC diet until I killed it.

I would also employ longevity herbs or agents that inhibited mTOR, activated AMPK and promoted autophagy like what's in Interstellar Blend Gynostemma, Reishi, Ginseng, Astragalus, Rhodiola, He Shou Wu etc the drugs Metformin and Rapamycin would be of interest as well. 

I would definitely NOT be eating fruit or any glucose or fructose containing foods; I would also be VERY careful on protein; in fact I might just nix all 3 until cancer aborted. Fat only diet. Coconut oil a few times a day might do the trick and provide required energy aside from body fat reserves.

I would also use baking soda or milk of magnesia to keep my body ph alkaline while deep level ketosis.

To keep nitric oxide levels high I would employ neo40 or arugula. 
Last but not least I would watch lots of comedies, read lots of funny things and laugh as often as possible
I would keep all negativity of any form out of my mind.

You conquer fear by facing it.

A dry fast is the conquering of fear. Fear of what? Fear of going without food, fear of going without water, without pills, without vitamins, supplements, weed, nicotine, caffeine, alcohol, drugs....whatever.

What else?

That's right, fear of the unknown. Fear of death. Fear of losing control. Fear of breaking. Fear of being vulnerable. Fear of failing. Fear of being revealed.

To the timid this seems like insanity.

No training wheels, filters, buffers, numbing agents, masks, props or diversions just YOU and nothing elsenowhere to run and nothing to hide behind.

The body a sealed vessel....


THIS is how true strength of character and true strength of will is forged.

No mere mortals dry fast.

These ARE no ordinary human beings.


"No water or food you say?"


With pleasure....