


  • 更新日期:2017-7-6

  • 編寫者:郭漢聰


  1. 能源不足:
    如果總卡不是問題,問題就出在Omega-3/Omega-6的比例,必須提高Omega-3,而且還必須攝取植物性的Omega-3才行,例如:亞麻仁油、橄欖油、Udo's oil等。很奇怪的是,光靠動物性的魚油不一定能奏效。請參考Adam Nally的臨床報告。




  2. 營養素不足:
    缺乏維生素、礦物質、胺基酸,導致生產能源的生化反應停擺,空有原料,但是無法生產。解決辦法:補充維他命(大麥若葉或螺旋藻)+內臟+骨頭湯+辛香料+粗鹽 。

Adam Nally, D.O. 
The low thyroid problem while on a Low-carb diet is a myth. Those patients who are having fatigue and hair loss issues are more than likely deficient in their Omega 3 to Omega 6 ratios and are not adequately replacing them in their diets. The thyroid axis corrects itself with a low carbohydrate diet as long as adequate Omega 3:6 fatty acids are consumed. Two good studies reveal a relationship with TSH to HDL in the last 5 years. Many low carbers may not be replaceing the Omega 3 fatty acids correctly and may be getting poor quality Omega 6 fatty acids. Just taking a fish oil capsule doesn't always do it. The symptoms of hair loss, cold extremities, feeling horrible that Kesser implies are easily corrected by using adequate amounts of flax seed and olive oils or Udo's oil. Many low carbers are afraid to increase their fat intake and may experience these symptoms due to caloric deficiency as well. 
About 30 % of the patient that I see with insulin resistance, metabolic syndrome or diabetes can be classified as subclinically hypothyroid or hypothyroid due to a low T4 and or high TSH. This self corrects as long as adequate fat is replaced in the diet and carbohydrate is restricted. Calories do play a significant role, but when they are sufficient, correcting the Omega 3 to Omega 6 ratios are the key.

Omega 6 & 3 ratio is fixed with plant oils because omega-6 linoleic acid and omega-3 alpha linolenic acid comes from plants. The body can't make omega-6 linoleic acid & omega-3 alpha linoleic acids so they must be supplied by diet. ONLY Omega 6 & 3 are essential fats since omega-6 linoleic acid & omega-3 alpha linoleic acids are the parent, or base substrates for the body's production of essential local acting-cell level signalling hormones known as eicosanoids, i.e. leukotrenes, lipoxins, thromboxins and prostaglandins. The body can synthesize Omega 7 palmitic & vaccenic acids & Omega 9 oleic acid (olive oil) and so they are not essential, and Omega 7 & 9 and saturated fats are not used in the eicosanoid production pathway because they do not contain omega-6 linoleic acid or omega-3 alpha linoleic acids.

By the way, the eicosapentanoic & docosahexanoic acids that are the active fatty acids in fish & cod liver oils (EPA & DHA) are not true base omega-3 oils, they are DERIVATIVES, in other words made from Omega-3, but the body has a naturally very low requirement for EPA & DHA, and the body can make them from the base or parent omega-3 flax oil but only makes them in the amounts required and only when needed. The natural & normal conversion rate is ONLY 2 to 4 or 5 percent of the base omega-3 flax oil, but the low conversion rate commonly believed to be "inefficient" or "impaired" due to "defective" desaturase enzyme activity but that is wrong, there is just a naturally low presence of tissues in the body requiring EPA & DHA and therefore low physiological demand.

Also by the way, the omega-3 oils in fatty fish actually come from seaweed & algae, an ocean plant that grows by photosynthesis just like land plants, that is eaten by krill which are then eaten by small fish which are eaten by bigger fish & on up the food chain. From the Wiki article Omega-3 Fatty Acid: "Omega 3 fatty acids are formed in the chloroplasts of green leaves and algae. While seaweeds and algae are the source of omega 3 fatty acids present in fish, grass is the source of omega 3 fatty acids present in grass fed meats.[95]" And from Wikipedia re Fish Oil: "Fish do not actually produce omega-3 fatty acids, but instead accumulate them by consuming either microalgae or prey fish that have accumulated omega-3 fatty acids..."

And a final by the way, humans do NOT require more than 1 gram, 1/5th of a teaspoon, of Omega-3's per day since more than 4 or 5 grams of ANY polyunsaturated oil destabilizes our cell membranes and makes them too thin, fluid & flexible, weak & leaky. Humans need more of the firmer saturated fats for optimum cell membrane conformation since we make our own body heat and at 98.6 are just 1.4 degrees from 100F. See the Wiki article re Homeoviscous Adaptation, deep sea arctic fish can change the oil in their cell membranes to incorporate more omega-3 so they don't freeze up like a car in winter, then replace the omega-3's with saturated fats when they move to warmer waters around the equator. ONLY deep sea cold water fish require high levels of omega-3's, humans don't, humans actually require 2 to 3 grams per day of natural, unadulterated, unprocessed organic, cold extracted CIS omega-6 linoleic acid based on human tissue requirements. Human skin is all omega-6, there's NO omega-3's in skin and O-3 will not protect from melanoma, and the arterial system is also all omega-6 tissue.

For more see the Wikipedia pages about any of the terms above, start with Fatty Acid, then Essential Fatty Acids, then Eicosanoids, Omega-6, Omega-3, etc.